Competitive intelligence rewind eBook vol.1


Here at Competitive Intelligence Alliance, we’re committed to bringing you the best practices, processes, and workflows of competitive intel’s thought leaders.

But there’s nothing like experiencing it firsthand, live and in person.

That’s why we travel across the globe, bringing the brightest minds to your doorstep. It’s also why, since launching in Summer of 2022, we’ve hosted virtual and in-person events for you to learn, level up, and knowledge-share.

Waiting for us to come to your hometown? We produced this eBook to tide you over. It’s free to download, so grab your copy to discover the keenest, most distilled insights from recent expert speakers.

Presentations in this edition include:

  • Why and how competitive intel teams should support on individual deals.
  • Building a world class win/loss program.
  • Back office to boardroom: elevating the role of competitive enablement.
  • Why competitive intel programs fail and what to do about it.
  • How Freshworks used 30-in-30 interviews to build a compete program in 90 days.

Catch up on all the key takeaways from these sessions.