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How to run a Porter’s Five Forces analysis session
Running a business analysis using Porter’s Five Forces (P5F) is an exciting opportunity to dig deeper into your customers’ motivations and behaviors. It’s a great way to gain new insights into your business, and it’s often used in strategic planning.
Sustained Competitive Advantage: 10 Superhero Strategies
That advantage you’ve worked so hard to create? Your competitors are working day and night to replicate it, beat it, and take those hard-won customers right out of your hands. 😤 So how do you stop your competitors cloning your strategy? How do you make your competitive advantage sustainable?
Temporary Competitive Advantage Explained (with Examples)
A temporary competitive advantage is one that doesn’t last. It might survive a few years, but it’s not going to pay dividends decades down the line. But that doesn’t mean they’re not valuable.